Let's talk about life
There's a lot going on with us here at Freedom Life Grace Church. We can't fit everything into a service or Bible Study so we have made this blog available to you as a resource, inspiration, and amusement.
Enjoy! Share! Repeat!
Will Rucker • Church Development
I believe with my whole heart that this church - Freedom Life Grace Church - is going to lead the movement for a new day in Las Vegas. You know they call this city "Lost Wages." I kind of like that one. The Bible lets us know "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23) Imagine if Vegas became know all around the world for lost wages. Imagine if when people walk the strip, instead of seeing the stripped ladies, they see us - handing them a card that says, "Jesus stripped your sin." Or "The wages of sin got lost in Las Vegas."
Imagine if when people came to our city, the experienced the life and love of God. Imagine if our church was "the newest attraction in Vegas."
Imagine if when people came to our city, the experienced the life and love of God. Imagine if our church was "the newest attraction in Vegas."
Rudy Trussler • General
Scriptures: 1 John 4:7-8
I struggle with labels especially when it comes to how to identify myself on a spiritual level. I could go with the Christian label, but I fear that that could lock me into a people group that does not really represent what I believe spiritually.
Maybe I will just create my own label.
Maybe I will just create my own label.
Will Rucker • Christmas
When I see Christmas I see Jesus. I believe Christmas would be His most favorite time of the year. He would have adored the beautiful decorations, gift giving, all of the wonderful music, and families spending time together. Having a good time, and all of the other Christmas sentiments are all expressions of who Jesus is.
Will Rucker • Outreach
Scriptures: Hebrews 8:1-13
One of the most self-serving misconceptions that religion has promoted is the notion that "God needs ME to reach others for Him." Central to almost every religion I have studied is the idea that God wants His followers to convert others to that brand of faith. We can all agree that Pepsi and Coke are basically the same thing, just different flavors, but when it comes to religion, my flavor is the only truth.
Understand that there is a difference between sharing God with others out of a personal desire for them to experience the good things you enjoy and being forced to make people know your God.
Understand that there is a difference between sharing God with others out of a personal desire for them to experience the good things you enjoy and being forced to make people know your God.
Scriptures: James 1:27
There's a lot of talk these days about finding Christianity without religion. It seems that religion has become the latest scapegoat for the ills of the world today - and not undeservingly. After all, the recent terror attacks on Paris, France, were carried out be to cries of "Allahu Akbar" meaning "God is [the] Greatest."
Religion has certainly played its role in many of the challenges that I faced in life. Because of what I heard in church I struggled for many years with self-acceptance, fear, and relationships. Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing some of the most frequent misconceptions I hear from people I when I say, "I lost my religion."
Religion has certainly played its role in many of the challenges that I faced in life. Because of what I heard in church I struggled for many years with self-acceptance, fear, and relationships. Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing some of the most frequent misconceptions I hear from people I when I say, "I lost my religion."
Social Issues - Homosexuality
Scriptures: Romans 1:1-32
In honor of Pride month, we are looking at the subject "Does Christianity Affirm Homosexuality." Share your thoughts
Will Rucker • Marriage
A pastor from within my former denomination tagged me in a post. My assumption is that he genuinely wanted answers to these questions from someone who was "cut from the same cloth," so to speak. I also believe these answers will be helpful for those of you who also question how and/or if Christians can wave rainbow flags.
Will Rucker • General
Scriptures: Matthew 9:13
We ultimately want to be good. Our image of God is the one who is the blueprint of goodness. Whatever He is, we strive to become. God doesn't make mistakes, so in order to please Him, in order to be accepted by Him we can't make mistakes either. How silly of us to think that way. What an impossible standard we have created for ourselves. No wonder religion makes us crazy.
Will Rucker • General
One of my greatest frustrations with Christianity is its belief that Jesus is only found in it - that Jesus is somehow limited to revealing Himself only to those of a particular brand of faith. The truth of the matter is God is not a Christian and neither is Jesus. One of the most polarizing words in the world is Jesus, with Christian being a close second. Whether you are a Mormon, Catholic, or Protestant, Jesus is a big deal to your faith. I really find it interesting that Jesus is also a big deal in the Jewish faith, and Islam, too. So what is the problem?
The problem with believing Jesus is a Christian, or more broadly, to follow Jesus one must call him or herself a Christian, is that it simply isn't true.
The problem with believing Jesus is a Christian, or more broadly, to follow Jesus one must call him or herself a Christian, is that it simply isn't true.